Story about my month long travel from Iceland to USA in April/May

Part 1

On April the 13th I had a flight from Iceland to Mexico, total travel time was 30 hour travel since I had a layover in Frankfurt for 15 hours.

To be able to fly from Iceland I had to take a covid test 3 days prior to be sure to get a negative test before my flight. 3 hours before I was supposed to head to the airport I get a call from the covid staff in Iceland saying that my test came out weird so I have to take it again. I held my phone and I was like like no, no, no, nooo this must be a mistake?

I got asked why I was taking the test and I told them that I was on my way out to the US to capture a wedding that I had been planning to shoot for 2 years. The lady on the phone said: “oh I’m sorry that’s not possible, you are not going to be able to do that”.

I almost lost it but asked if there wasn’t any chance that I could take another test and get it back ASAP?

She replied: “alright just wait a second, I will call you back”

THANK YOU!! I said and before I got the call back I decided to start driving over there to get the test done.

Luckily I was able to take the test again and I got the results 30 minutes before I headed to the airport.

And I was SO relived and thankful!!

Because of the stress around the covid test I wasn’t able to buy food or any necessities to take on the flight. I thought it would be alright but no I was wrong. Everything was closed on the airport in Iceland and also Frankfurt. I almost didn’t eat anything for 30 hours and when I finally made it to the hostel in Mexico, I was so exhausted and ended up crying and laughed until I fell asleep.

But deep inside I knew this was all going to be worth it because I was on my way to have my dream come true. I was photographing my first destination wedding and I couldn’t be more thankful for that.

Part 2

The next day after a really crazy 30-hour trip from Iceland to Mexico, I woke up feeling hungry, thirsty and pretty confused after everything I went through. 

I went straight to the supermarket and bought everything I could possibly eat and 10L of water. It was so warm in Mexico at that time, I can’t even explain it. People can say that I’m just not used to it but no, it was extreme.

Most of the days I wrote in my diary, stayed in the pool to cool off, ran, walked, ate out and tried to stay away from anything that could possibly give my covid. I shopped with gloves on and did everything in my power to not get Covid so I wouldn’t ruin my possibility to get to the US.

I think I was quite lucky not getting covid as the covid cases in Cancun, Mexico at that time were really high. The day I got tested in Cancun I managed to walk 30 minutes in the heat to get to the covid testing centet. However I went to the wrong place, didn’t find my wallet before i left, my phone died and I fainted twice because of the heat.

Luckily I fainted with some really nice people around me who helped me get to the right testing place. I was pretty relaxed and I had some money on me both pesos and dollars. Thank you god, because I managed to pay with pesos and dollars (all of my money I had left) and I got the covid test. The test became out negative so I was more than ready to leave and finally (!) get to the states to capture the most amazing and beautiful souls. 

When I look back, this is probably the craziest adventure I’ve been on and I don’t regret anything and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Part 3

After 15 long days all alone in Cancun, Mexico it was time to leave and fly over to the US!

The moment I walked out of the hotel and stepped into the taxi, I felt relieved that this part was over. I was ready to get away from the heat, the Spanish language, non-vegetarian food, and meet people that I could have conversations with.

The airport in Cancun was filled with people just like COVID didn’t even exist. I was pretty scared about not being able to get through the US borders, but surprisingly everything went smoothly.

I landed in the US and was greeted by this beautiful couple, who I’m so thankful for. I met amazing people during my stay in Idaho, people with such a big heart!

The wedding day was beautiful! During the ceremony, there was a storm and as soon as they walked out as a married couple, it was sunny and blooming.

I left Idaho with new friends who hopefully will visit Iceland one day! I left with the biggest smile on my face, thankful for having my dream come true. Thankful I was able to capture a wedding in the US in the middle of pandemic. I am forever grateful for this opportunity, thank you @justin_tatham@cupcake_kari_ .

Part 4

Since I made it all the way to the US, I had to pay a visit to my big brother in Atlanta who I hadn’t seen in months because of COVID. Therefore my next flight was to Atlanta, Georgia, where I told my brother some news..

Well here are the news:

The reason why I fainted twice in Cancun, Mexico. The reason for how hard it was for me to be alone in Mexico - morning sickness. The reason why I couldn’t eat anything in Mexico. Well the reason is that I was and I am pregnant. I knew 5 days before my flight to Mexico.

This little baby inside me has already traveled to so many places and I can’t wait to travel the world with him/her.

It has been with me when I’m having my dreams come true and through my biggest and hardest accomplishment.

See you in December little one 🕊